NEW research by the British Parking Association (BPA) reveals an overwhelming consensus amongst UK local authorities on the need to review and raise parking penalty charges to make them a more effective deterrent.

Ninety-one per cent of local authorities agree that the current penalty charge level is not high enough, to deter or discourage irresponsible rule-breaking, especially where parking is not allowed.

The research says selfish and irresponsible parking in busy car parks increases congestion and makes it increasingly difficult for responsible motorists to find somewhere to park

Ninety-five per cent of respondents agreed that the Scottish Government was right to review and increase its penalty charge level, and a similar increase is required in England and Wales.

Andrew Pester, BPA Chief Executive, said: “The findings of this survey reinforces the urgent need to review and raise penalty charges everywhere to encourage compliance with the parking rules.

"We will continue to work closely with government as well as calling for effective deterrents to inconsiderate parking both on public roads and in private car parks.”

Pembrokeshire County Council have been contacted as to their view on the matter. We await a response.