A Pembrokeshire hardship charity has paid tribute to its founder, who is stepping down at the end of the month.

PATCH (Pembrokeshire Action to Combat Hardship), which aims to relieve the effects of poverty for Pembrokeshire people, was founded by Tracey Olin, first opening its doors on June 3, 2008.

Since 2008 PATCH has been giving free food parcels, clothing and household items to those in a financial crisis, working closely with referral agencies.

PATCH, on its website, states: “People find themselves in financial crises for many reasons, including losing employment, waiting for benefits, homelessness, fire or marriage breakdown.”

PATCH also runs a charity shop from its base at Charles Street, Milford Haven and holds an annual Christmas toy appeal.

Following the news Tracey is to leave, PATCH issued a statement: “PATCH would like to say an enormous thank you to our founder, Tracy Olin, who will be leaving her post as general manager at the end of the month.

“Tracy has been leading the fight to end hunger and hardship in Pembrokeshire for over a decade, first as a volunteer and then as a paid member of staff. After basing the PATCH model on one she worked on in Southampton, Tracy has been the driving force behind PATCH’s commitment to lessen the impacts of poverty in the county.

“We cannot put into words how thankful we are for everything Tracy has done. Many of our service-users, partners and supporters will know Tracy personally and will understand the phenomenal impact that her kindness and hard work has had on the people of Pembrokeshire and beyond.

“As an organisation, we want to publicly thank Tracy for everything. Her ability to see the best in people is inspiring. Tracy’s courage and commitment to helping others, even when she has faced her own issues, should be commended.

“On behalf of your PATCH family, and the countless families and individuals you have helped, thank you.”