Pembrokeshire has chosen change, and now it’s time to deliver it, Mid and South Pembrokeshire’s new Labour MP has said after Conservative Stephen Crabb’s 19 years as an MP in the county ended on July 4.

The new seat has parts of the former Preseli Pembrokeshire and Carmarthenshire West and South Pembrokeshire; seats now no more after boundary changes.

They have both been held by Conservatives for many years; 2005 in the case of Preseli Pembrokeshire and 2010 in Carmarthenshire West and South Pembrokeshire, with the victories of Stephen Crabb and Simon Hart respectively.

Polls had predicted the new seat would be gained by Labour, with percentage figures of votes for candidate Henry Tufnell ranging from 33 per cent to as high as 50 per cent.

At the count held at Haverfordwest High School, Labour’s Henry Tufnell gained the new seat, with 16,505 votes to Conservative Stephen Crabb’s 14,627, with Reform’s Stuart Marchant taking third place with 7,828 votes.

Speaking after being elected as Mid and South Pembrokeshire’s new MP, Labour’s Henry Tufnell said: “It’s a huge honour and a privilege to be elected as MP for Mid and South Pembrokeshire and I thank the people of Pembrokeshire for putting their faith in me and the Labour party.

“It’s truly an honour to be elected as representative for the people of Pembrokeshire; to have your faith in me and the Labour party for a fresh start for our county. There’s so much opportunity for us, whether energy, agriculture or tourism, we need these industries to provide that growth in our economy.

“Pembrokeshire has chosen change tonight and it’s now time to deliver it.”

After his defeat, having represented parts of the county for 19 years , previously as MP for Preseli Pembrokeshire, Mr Crabb said: “Congratulations to Henry Tufnell and his team on their victory in Mid & South Pembrokeshire last night. I wish him the very best as he takes on the enormous privilege of representing this county at Westminster.

“A huge thanks to my campaign team who have been at my side throughout this tough campaign. I am incredibly grateful to have had such a fabulous group of Pembrokeshire people working with me over the last six weeks.

“It’s been a huge honour to represent my home constituency as Member of Parliament over the last 19 years. Every day has been an enormous privilege.

“Thank you to everyone in Pembrokeshire who has given me encouragement and support along the way.”

One of those who paid tribute to Mr Crabb was Conservative Senedd Member, and former Pembrokeshire journalist for the Western Telegraph and Pembrokeshire Herald, Sam Kurtz.

“I owe Stephen Crabb a lot. Maybe more than he realises. He gave me a job in his office when I was a young newspaper reporter, in what I call the best ‘apprenticeship’ I could have ever asked for.

“Working for and alongside him, I’ve seen a side that many haven’t. The empathy shown during advice surgeries, then tenacity in fighting for constituents facing an injustice, and a resilience, energy and focus on doing what he thought was best for our county.

“Please also spare a thought to for all the staff members, who have lost their jobs if their bosses have not kept their seats. It really is brutal.”

In the rhetorical question on many people’s lips, Mr Kurtz mused: “Where do we go next as a party? Who are we? How do we take this beating from the British public and come back better, representing and delivering on their hopes and ambitions, while working to alleviate their fears and frustrations?

“There’ll be time for that, and I’ll want to make sure I’m in the centre of how my party, our party, can dust itself off and tend to its bloody nose before rolling up our sleeves and getting back to being fighting fit once again.”

Election results for Mid and South Pembrokeshire:

Henry Tufnell (Labour): 16,505

Stephen Crabb (Conservative): 14,627

Stuart Marchant (Reform): 7,828

Cris Tomos (Plaid Cymru): 2,962

Alistair Cameron (Liberal Democrat): 2,372

James Purchase (Green Party): 1,654

Vusi Siphika (Independent): 427

Hanna Andersen (Women’s Equality Party): 254