A MILFORD Haven man has been charged with sexually assaulting teenage girls, sending pictures of his genitals, and offering gifts in exchange for nude photographs.

Ryan Hounsome, 24, of Vaynor Road, appeared at Swansea Crown Court charged with seven offences.

Hounsome was accused of two offences of sexual assault – relating to allegations that he intentionally touched a 14-year-old girl without her consent on April 5 and touched a 15-year-old girl without her consent on May 11.

The defendant was also alleged to have incited a 14-year-old girl to engage in sexual activity on February 12.

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He was also charged with four offences of sexual assault.

The prosecution alleged that Hounsome sent one child pictures of his genitals on February 12, talked about his genitals with another girl on April 14, offered gifts to a third girl in exchange for nude photographs on May 1, and sent an image of a sexual position to a fourth child at a point between May 17 and June 3 and suggested that the child should try the position with him.

The case came before Swansea Crown Court, however concerns were raised about Hounsome’s fitness to enter pleas or stand trial.

No pleas were entered, and a psychiatric report was ordered. A provisional trial date was set for December 2.