What does a Pembrokeshire wild swimming instructor do on her day off? Simple, get into a boat, head 30 miles off the Pembrokeshire coast into the Celtic Deep and spend the day swimming with blue sharks.

Sue Christopher runs Wild Swim Wales with her sons Freddy and Travis. The trio are total sea lovers whose mission is to help more people discover the benefits of cold water swimming through guided swimming treks and water safety sessions.

Last week Sue had a day off and decided to take a boat off the Pembrokeshire coast with marine wilderness explorers Celtic Deep.

Run by marine conservationists and freedivers, Celtic Deep is passionate about exploring our seas and helping people encounter some of the UK’s most iconic marine wildlife.

Around 30 miles off the coast of Pembrokeshire Sue spent hours swimming with blue sharks that were close enough to touch.

According to the Wildlife Trusts the blue shark is an open-ocean species that visits UK seas in summer months.

Blue sharks are active predators and feed mainly on small fish and squid - though they have been known to take seabirds and other small sharks too.

“It was a magical day, one that I won't ever forget with the sharks close enough to touch on more than one occasion and stayed with us all day,” said Sue.

“Richard and Emma from Celtic Deep were fantastic guides, keeping respect for the sharks’ natural habitat and the environment plus customer safety as paramount.

“It is difficult to know if excitement was higher than fear!! I was definitely too distracted to film properly.

“We also saw dolphins and countless sea birds. It was truly magical and unforgettable. When can I do it again?”