An innovative project has helped the school holidays fly by in a flurry of activities and good food for a group of local school children.

As schools re open their doors this week following the summer break, many children will return having had very little contact with their peers, and possibly finding the six weeks a long period of time.

This wasn’t the case for many pupils at Ysgol Gymunedol Wdig / Goodwick Community School, as the school once again provided summer enrichment activities for the first three weeks of the holidays.

(Image: Ysgol Wdig)

The Food and Fun club, also known as the School Holiday Enrichment Programme, is a school-based summer programme that aims to provide healthy meals, food and nutrition education, physical activity and enrichment opportunities to children in areas of social deprivation during the school holidays.

This was the third year that Food & Fun has run in Goodwick during the summer holidays following the successful pilot in 2022.

(Image: Ysgol Wdig)

This year proved to be the most successful yet with an average of forty pupils attending each day.

Headteacher Jonathan Jones was delighted with the response from pupils and said the feedback from parents has been overwhelming.

The programme ran Monday to Thursday for the three weeks. Each pupil that attended, received breakfast before a busy morning of activities, and finished the session with a delicious hot lunch before going home. In addition a family lunch was held once a week where parents were invited to join their children for a meal.

(Image: Ysgol Wdig)

Mr Jones said he was grateful to all his staff as well as the outside partners who delivered a variety of fun and enriching activities, contributing to the popularity of the project.

“It was a great success”, he said “The programme is an important part of our school calendar and provision, and we look forward to running it again in the summer of 2025.”