The dedication and determination of a group of young people in north Pembrokeshire has been celebrated by their friends, families and supporters.

Fishguard’s POINT Youth Centre presented Agored Cymru certificates to twelve of its young people recognising their achievements in a range of diverse life skills.

The certificates awarded covered a range of practical activities including accreditations in cooking a simple meal; engaging in enterprise activities; forming a band; playing the guitar and listening to instruction; young people in the community and participating in a heritage or museum activity.

Zoe Davies, general manager of POINT said: " Each of these accomplishments represents not just a skill learned, but a step towards a more confident and empowered future for these young participants"

POINT Youth Centre’s collaboration with PLANED's Cadarnhad project, funded by the UK Government, has been pivotal in making these achievements possible.

By offering accessible Agored Cymru qualifications integrated into engaging activities, Cadarnhad is redefining the way life skills are taught and learned. This innovative approach allows young people to earn formal accreditations through non-traditional learning methods, ensuring that education remains both relevant and accessible.

“Our approach is person-centred, enabling young people to choose the life skills subjects that interest them,” said Zoe.

“This flexible, supportive environment empowers young people to learn in ways that suit their individual needs and preferences”.

John Ewart from Cadarnhad added: "This event is more than just a celebration of achievements; it is a reminder of the potential within each young person when given the right opportunities and support".