A petition to replace the traffic lights at a notorious Pembrokeshire accident blackspot with a roundabout has been considered at the Senedd.

The 439-strong petition was submitted to the Senedd’s petition committee by Laura Griffiths who said that she believed that a roundabout could be a ‘sustainable solution with minimal environmental impact’.

Traffic lights were installed at the fatal Nash Fingerpost junction this summer. This followed a 10,000-strong petition to Welsh Government calling for better safety measures at the junction after the death of motorcyclist Ashley Rogers.

However, there is strong local feeling that a roundabout would better serve the area which has a large volume of freight traffic travelling to the port at Pembroke Dock and is the main road for the south of the county.

In a letter to the petitions committee, Laura stated that a roundabout would be better for the environment as it would prevent stop starts of fright traffic and would not require light pollution or continuous electricity consumption.

She added that local farmers had agreed to provide the necessary land for a roundabout, ensuring minimal disturbance to the existing ecosystem, and that a roundabout could be landscaped using native plants.

She added that a roundabout would better manage the higher volume and weight of traffic, facilitating continuous movement, reducing idling time and emissions.

Laura argues that a roundabout would also be safer; reducing the severity of accidents and improving traffic flow by eliminating the stop-start nature of traffic lights.

Petitions Committee member Luke Fletcher MS said that local members especially Sam Kurtz MS, were bringing up safety on this stretch of road regularly.

As the issue had been debated before by the committee as well as in the chamber, he recommended that local members continue to advocate for a roundabout at the junction.

He recommended that the petition be closed but available for the relevant Welsh Government minister.

“So that they're aware that, again, this has come to committee and that there's considerable concern in the local area around the actions that have been taken so far by Government,” he said.

He also recommended that the petition was passed on to local members so that they're also aware and can campaign on the issue together, if needed.