Haverfordwest Racecourse fans have dug deep in order to support the greenspace.

Peter Lewis, the secretary of the Haverfordwest Racecourse Public Parks Trust, chose to make his birthday with a 10,000 metre walk, stretching from the Racecourse to the St Brides Inn in Little Haven.

Committee member Patricia Lewis said: “The aim was to raise much needed funds for the Upper Racecourse and as I am his wife I undertook the responsibility of seeking financial support from those of you who use our wonderful facilities.

“Peter reminds me that all he did was walk the six miles, the success depended on the generosity of others.”

The pair set a goal of raising £500 for the Racecourse, but in the end they more than tripled their target.

“We set ourselves a target of £500 and you can imagine our surprise and delight when we report that the final figure is £1,530.

“This speaks volumes for the popularity of the Racecourse and even more so for the generosity of the people of our community.

“Thank you all and please please continue to support and enjoy our wonderful Racecourse.”

The is not Mr Lewis’ first walk for charity, last year he walked the same course at the start of his 80th year to raise £650 for the Haverfordwest Town Museum.

Peter has a long history of fund raising walks. In 1985 he walked from Dale to Bosworth to commemorate the 500th anniversary of Henry Tudor making the same trip in 1485 to seize the crown from King Richard III at the Battle of Bosworth Field to become King Henry VII.

Peter was the Sheriff of Haverfordwest at the time so he continued his walk to Nottingham to meet the then Sheriff of Nottingham.

For this walk he raised money for the Racecourse and the Paul Sartori Foundation.

If you would like to donate to the Haverfordwest Racecourse Public Parks Trust, send them to:

Haverfordwest Racecourse PPT

c/o Mrs Pat Lewis

3 Laburnum Grove


SA61 1EU